Did you know we think on average 10,000 thoughts a day and that 80% of these thoughts are negative? Of course, this is not true for everybody, but for the most of us it is.
Sometimes it is easier to believe the negative things we think about ourselves. Even the negative things others say about us are easier to believe than the positive things.
Negative thinking takes away our personal power. Ayanla van Zant once said: “Our life is the result of choices we make and don’t make. Those who don’t make choices lead a meaningless life!”

The good news is you can change anything in your life. Below you’ll find 5 ideas that will help you get started:

1) surround yourself with positive people. You behave like the 5 people you spend the most time with.
Surrounding yourself with positive people is not easy. What if you are surrounded by negative friends and family. You can’t just erase them from your life. What you can do is find other positive people and build a strong relationship with them. The internet is a good place to start. Even though I have only just started this website, it is my goal to create a place for where positive people can find each other and exchange ideas, motivate each other,…

2) Start your day in a positive way. Every morning before you get out of bed, say to yourself: This is going to be an amazing day! Thank you!

3) Turn your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Write a couple of positive affirmations down about yourself and hang them somewhere where you’ll see them several times a day!

4) Don’t try to be perfect. You are going to make mistakes. When this happens, learn from the experience and go on with achieving your goal. Perfection is an illusion.

5) Notice your thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, replace it with a positive one. Say the positive thought out loud if this works better for you!

These 5 ideas might seem simple, but they are not that easy to do and can have a serious impact on your life. I challenge you to live by these ideas the next couple weeks. You’ll notice the difference!

‘Change the way you look at things and the things you look at will change!’